Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Bookish Tea Party: Seven Characters I'd Invite for Tea!

A Bookish Tea Party!

Hello! It has been a while since my last post. So to break that rather thick film of ice, I've planned this fun little post for you guys: seven characters I would like to invite for a cup of tea!

I was tagged by the ever-amazing heretherebethereader on Instagram to do this tag on my bookstagram - so I thought to myself, how awesome would it be if I shared my reasons on my blog? So, here we go!

Tyrion Lannister
Hands down, he is my favorite character. He is not your average favorite character, with hardly any flaws. The Imp has a mind so much different than the rest, filled with cunning ploys and mysterious ways. And yet, there's a softness to him that is so human-like, so kind and thoughtful, that it just melts the heart of the reader. I would personally love calling him for a cup of tea, just so I could learn more about how Tyrion Lannister came to be - how the cruel ways of the world made him smart, brave, and unique.

Leo Valdez
Where do I begin with that guy? The first time I read his character in The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero, I instantly fell in love with him. He is hilarious, frank, and recklessly brave. He always tries to find happiness within dark times, always finds a way to smile and make others smile whenever he can - and that is a quality I find admirable. It is for these reasons - and more - that I would call him over for some tea. I want to know more about his brave nature, and how he would take huge risks just for the safety of his friends!

Daenerys Targaryen
Ah, who can resist our very own Khaleesi; the Stormborn, the Mother of Dragons - Daenerys Targaryen? I love her to bits; she is one of the most complex and amazing female characters. Seeing her grow across the span of four books (I'm currently on the fifth!) is just amazing. Having one of the best development arcs I've ever witnessed, I would love to have a chat with her over tea - you never know, maybe her dragons would come over!

Remus Lupin
I would absolutely love to have Remus over for tea. Ever since I witnessed his first appearance in Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban, I have adored him. He is so caring and thoughtful towards Harry, and so sensible too, despite having a condition that must really drag him down! I would love to talk about how close he was to the Marauders, and more about what makes Remus Lupin so strong, even after hard times!

Oberyn Martell
This could be a rather unpopular opinion, but I fell in love with Prince Oberyn, from the A Song Of Ice And Fire series. Maybe I'm not so aware about the deeper aspects of his character, and maybe he seems a little - let's say asshole-ish - at times, but there is no denying how bold, daring and brave he is. His cunning character makes me want to invite him over for some tea, just so we could talk about him more!

Percy Jackson
ARGH I don't think I'll stop if I talk about how much I adore Percy! He is so adorable, caring, real - and downright brave. His strong sense of friendship and holding pride in such a deep connection is just one of the many reasons why I love him - and want him to come over to my house. I'd love to hear more about the ways in which he values bravery and friendship!

Arya Stark
Arya Stark is also yet another character I adore from the A Song Of Ice And Fire series. The reason I'd love to call her over for some tea is because - to me - she is like the total embodiment of what it is to be a Stark. She is steadfast and cold as winter, yet just as everlasting and demanding. She is so young, yet she does not let anything bend her will to live. Maybe if she'd like some treats from me, we could talk more about how she manages to go through all that she had seen and faced.

Well, that is all! What do you think? Who would you like to invite over for some tea, biscuits and maybe some scones? Comment below with your preferences and likes, I'd love to chat with you guys!
If you want to talk to me through other blogs of mine, you can contact me through my Tumblr, Instagram, and my newly-made Twitter!

Thank you for reading! Until next time, bye bye!


  1. I would invite so many characters of A Song of Ice and Fire! I hope you are enjoying the fifth one, is my favorite! And you are right about all the characters you described! And I love Oberyn too! The Martells are so interesting!

    1. You're right! After reading the 5th one, I have an inexplicable urge to update this list with even more people!
