Monday, August 3, 2015

7 Reasons Why You Should Read: Heroes Of Olympus!

Hello, people! I know I have been talking a lot about "The Heroes Of Olympus" and its characters, and what-not - but this time, I feel like I have to let you guys know just why I love this series. If you put it in another way, here are 7 reasons why you should go and read "The Heroes Of Olympus" by Rick Riordan.

1) Representation:
Many kinds of people have been represented in this story - African-Americans, Asians, Native-Americans, and even the LGBT community. These kinds of people are never put under the spotlight normally, for readers to understand - about their struggles, their feelings, the stereotypes they are usually labelled under... and the list goes on. But Riordan does put them under the spotlight this time, and gives them their victories to cherish. Representation is key to a greater - more eager - audience, and having it done so well is even more amazing; Riordan has represented them well, and has justified each character perfectly. It's a breath of fresh air, if you think about it - and it's enough reason to read it!

2) Diversity:
Closely linked to representation, is diversity of the people an author is representing; the author must avoid representing only one community, and try bringing in new - the newer, the better. And if anything, this story is the jackpot; it has African-American characters, Asians, a Native-American - even a Latin character! This isn't your average white-American-character series - its extremely diverse. This very diversity allows a reader to enjoy different perspectives, ideas, and lives - making you grip onto the series even more!

3) Pro-Feminist Ideology:
"The Heroes Of Olympus" supports numerous Feminist ideas: that women can be strong, independent people; that dangerous missions can be assisted - and led - by women as much as men can; to put it frankly, it gives women the importance they clearly need. That said, what's another amazing thing about this is that it does not berate any gender. It does not say "women are better than men" or "men can fight better than women"; there is literally no idea or argument of "one gender is better than the other". It treats every gender equally; it solely teaches you that men and women can live together, and can be treated equally. They need each other, in the end. That idea is something everyone needs to learn - and there is no better way to learn it, other than by reading these series!

4) An Interesting Plot, with Nail-biting action:
Rick Riordan is well-known for moulding Greek Mythology into the 21st century - and still making sense out of it. But in these series, he has done it exceptionally well; it somehow linked both the Roman Gods and Goddesses, as well as Greek - and did it in such an interesting way, you can't help but praise Riordan. It serves to add to the already mind-boggling plot even more (I won't give it away, reader. But hey, if you want to find out, read the books!)

5) Extremely Entertaining:
There are many books that have great plots, but sometimes get really drag and barren in the middle. But the Heroes Of Olympus? Oh no; these series will leave you breathless with laughter. For authors, it must get really hard to mix in comedy and satirical elements within a thickening plot. But once again, Riordan has showed his magic; he has somehow fit in jokes, jests, and even puns, so perfectly, that it doesn't ruin the pacing of the story - and but will make you laugh!

6) Important Lessons - Redefined:
These series have great lessons for the reader to learn, within its crisp, white pages - of the importance friendship, love, of equality amongst people, and of how enmity between people always ends in chaos. Lessons like these have become so cliched over the passage of time, one gets tired of hearing it over and over again (guilty). But these books deliver this message in a rather different, fresher manner; in such a manner, that you end up thanking the author, to have made you understand its lessons.

7) Breaking and Remaking Stereotypes:
The best thing I love about the "Heroes of Olympus" is the mass of stereotypes Rick Riordan has effortlessly crushed;

  • There is a blond character, who is the smartest, and the best strategist of the lot;
  • There is a daughter of Aphrodite, who herself believes that beauty within matters way more than what the face may show - so much so, that she completely avoids make-up and styling her hair!
  • There is an Asian character who isn't just there for the side-lines; this character has one of the best character development arcs, ending up way stronger than they were before - and even becomes an awesome military leader!
  • There is a character who is a natural leader in the beginning - but starts showing weaknesses, like doubt, cloud their mind; it shows how sometimes, the greatest leader may falter. (But even that isn't total weakness for the character, as the story progresses on - isn't that cool?!)
  • There is an African-American character, who is one of the strongest, most independent characters of the whole series;
  • In this, love is pictured as a whole. It's not only about traditional love between soul-mates; it also focuses around love between friends, between families, etc.. It teaches how love is the greatest force that exists, and how it can even outdo logic! (In my opinion, that is a really comforting thought in times when the world gets a little cruel, right?)

In the end, I'm willing to scream just how much I love these series. Once finished, I was able to analyze it a little more, and everyday I found out how I loved it just a little bit more. These series are a blast; if you're looking for the above seven things in your next read, go for the "Heroes Of Olympus"!

Did you agree to what I said? Or do you have something else to elaborate, or maybe you disagree with me? If you do, you are free to comment below - they are appreciated! You can also contact me on my Tumblr! Until next time; good bye!

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